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Format & Guidelines!
Topic Locked
RobiOfficial Developer
Administrator Verified
10 posts
8 topics
21 days ago

This forum is the place where all issues are reported, documented, and tracked. Please read the guidelines and format carefully before you create a new topic or participate on the forums. Keep in mind that you can only report issues that are related to the official projects.

Important! If you have bought a resource from BuiltByBit then you can verify your purchase and create private tickets for support or issues. 


  • Please do not leave replies on a issue report if you don't have anything new to add.
  • Keep all replies related to information about the issue itself. 
  • Before creating a issue report, spend time checking whether someone else has already reported the problem (you can duplicate issue report if you have reported a issue on GitHub).
  • Only put one issue into each issue report. If you have multiple issues then please create a new topic for each issue. 


  • Minecraft version:
  • Project/Plugin version:
  • Server software (Spigot/Bukkit/Paper) type and version: 
  • Description: 
  • Screenshots:
  • Notes (error logs):